Starting January 5, 2025

God created us as social beings. From the day of our birth, we have connection with people. Think about all the relationships you may have: God, family, friends, church relationships, school
relationships, work relationships, spousal relationships, parent relationships, etc.  Humankind has struggled in these various relationships. Things go well for a while but then things go “sour” and “downhill.” Sometimes our relationships with others may become hurtful and abusive.

Within the pages of God’s word, we learn that we are created to enjoy three important relationships: with God, with others, and even with ourselves.  Furthermore, God’s Word provides many great guidelines and instruction on how we are to live in these relationships in a manner that will bring glory to God and be a blessing to ourselves and to others.

Come join us in the New Year of 2025 as we spend a few weeks learning from God’s Word how to mend our broken relationships and strengthen even more our healthy relationships.