1). Worship: A team of musicians (praise band) leads the congregation in a blended contemporary and traditional style of praise songs and hymns.
2). Bible Study: Sunday School Classes and a Wednesday Night Bible Study are taught each week. Also, Small Group Bible Studies are taught during the spring and autumn months in homes and at the church building.
3). Biblical Counseling: We understand that there are times in life where you just need a helping hand. Our counseling ministry seeks to help hurting people at the heart level, providing emotional and spiritual healing that restores relationships and liberates lives. God wants vibrant marriages, healthy families and strong individuals. His Word reveals how.
4). Men’s & Women’s Groups: These groups provide opportunities to build relationships through Bible study, group prayer, fun social gatherings, retreats, etc.
5). Youth Group: Provides loving care in meeting the needs of young people both socially and spiritually through the means of Bible study, VBS, small groups, fun activities, service projects, etc.
6). Community Outreach: Virtually every ministry of this church is for the purpose of reaching out to the community. In addition, we provide a small food pantry, deliver holiday food baskets to needy families, and sponsor annual school supplies drive for ISP#34.
7). Missions: Several foreign and domestic missions and missionaries are supported by this church.